Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Page Fitness Boot Camp...Woot Woot!

1st Post, My life as I see it!

If you would have asked me 5 years ago, "where would you be today?" It most certainly would not have played out as it did. Fresh out of high school I became a Licensed Cosmetologist. Soon after, I became a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist. Then a Certified Group Fitness Instructor and little did I know this last one would be life changing. I began teaching group classes at CANI Fitness Center about 6 years ago. A couple years into teaching I fell head over heals in love with Christopher Page, who's been the CANI Fitness Manager for over 11 years. Our 1 year anniversary is January 23rd. We are a match made in fitness heaven...we both have drive, passion, fire and knowledge for health and fitness.

It usually takes a "light bulb effect" to have a dramatic transformation. The light bulb went on one day while I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance". The dancers were risking everything for a chance to shine. Their passion was so incredibly strong...I wanted to be a part of that...I wanted to feel that feeling. And let me tell you, I did just that! I totally revamped our lifestyles to clean eats, took my fitness goals to a whole new level and developed strong charisma. Since that turning point I have become a Savage sister and taking on the stage for Fitness America Competitions. My most recent sign on was with Perfect Body Online. My goals are in line to make a house hold fitness name for myself by pursuing modeling work with fitness magazines, commercials and print ads, as well as producing fitness videos on television, especially Fit TV. I fall asleep at night watching Fit TV, I love, love, love it.

Throughout this journey one thing has led to another. The future holds bigger and better things. Good things don't come easy, but they do eventually come. With hard work and dedication, the sky is the limit!! This leads me to the end of my story for now... my husband and I have almost finalized our purchase of the CANI Fitness Center! This is an opportunity that has been one of the hardest to come but will soon be Page Fitness Athletic Club. This is HUGE and we are ecstatic. Not only do we have our amazing fitness website, but now we will share the butterfly's every time we drive into work and see our name on the outside of the building. Ahhhh CrAzY....more great things already in the works. Stay tuned.